Here's a small selection of my favourite, best photos of Brighton taken in the last 2 years. I never went there specifically for photography purposes only, but you can't help trying out some seaside photography in such a lovely town. And since I carry my camera with me most of the time... Here are the shots!
The (burnt down) West Pier
Brighton's burnt pier offers an amazing view and a unique touch to the city. It really wouldn't be the same without it. It fits with today's hisptery "ruin porn" trend but it's a great way of viewing the naked structure of piers. It's almost art-like, showing us a different pier-focused touristic era and a reminder that our constructions don't last forever.
In this day and age, I'm grateful for any beauty I can find (and enjoy at no cost) especially in cities. Unlike British Airways' new 360 tower monstrosity that ruins the seafront view... "Where are the people of vision?" (as one asked in post-Katrina New Orleans). Is urban planning dead?

Waves on the West Pier

Embedded in the sea

Brighton's home for birds

A Brighton bromance

Us vs the past
The Brighton Pier
Whilst quite fun the first time you go there (especially having never seen a pier like that before), it quickly loses its charm if you're not into arcade games and small fair rides. Still a pretty nice view, and I once shot a very cool music video there too!

Dusk light on the Brighton Pier

Fishing for chips
A seagull scavenging for chips on the beach in Brighton.

The test of time
Rags on the foundations/stilts of the Brighton Pier
Around town and the seafront
Brighton's lanes are obviously an all time favourite. And this seagull made it all the more interesting on one occasion. Similarly to Bristol, one of the city's main attractions in my opinion are the independent shops. In a world where every chain shop is represented in every single high street and everything looks desperately the same, this is a vital breath of fresh indie air.

Welcome to my store

A proud shop owner

On the lookout