Climate change is an urgent issue that affects everyone on our planet. While it may seem like a heavy topic to explain to children, educating them about climate change is essential for their future.

By introducing children to the concept of climate change through books, we can help them develop a sense of empathy, understanding, and inspire them to take action.

Educating them on everything from biodiversity to single-use plastics can help establish behaviours that lead to embedded habits during their formative years.

It can also benefit parents. In our children’s book about climate change, Ally and Bibi: Back to the Jungle, we provide simple, practical actions that can help tackle this issue.

If you want some recommendations for your bookshelf, we suggest these stories about climate change.

Our recommended picture books to explain climate change to children

Use these books to educate your children about this important global issue.

1.   What is Climate Change? - Gail Herman

  • Print Length: 112 pages
  • Reading Age: 8 - 12 years
  • Amazon Rating: 4.7 out of 5 (590 reviews)

A New York Times best-seller, What is Climate Change, provides well-researched facts that look at climate change from a scientific, social, and political perspective. It answers common questions about the cause and whether it is a natural development.

One reviewer said, “Great book for teaching the young about climate change and also for folks who want a simple refresher on what's happening to our beloved earth.”

2.   Our World Out of Balance: Understanding Climate Change and What We Can Do - Andrea Minoglio

  • Print Length: 68 pages
  • Reading Age: 9 - 12 years
  • Amazon Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (15 reviews)

Covering topics such as air pollution, rising sea levels, and wildfires, this title doesn’t just educate readers. It also includes big ideas to inspire children to take control and work towards keeping our world healthy.

“I really appreciate how positive and action-oriented this book is. It is packed with concrete examples of what can and is being done to fight climate change,” said one purchaser.

3.   Climate Emergency Atlas: What’s Happening - What We Can Do - Dan Hooke

  • Print Length: 96 pages
  • Reading Age: 9 - 12 years
  • Amazon Rating: 4.7 out of 5 (56 reviews)

Learn what countries generate the highest CO2 emissions and which coastal cities are the most vulnerable to rising sea levels. However, it’s not all facts and figures. There are also recommendations and actions you and your children can take to help turn things around.

“Good graphics that help to better understand the relationships. For old and young!” one reviewer commented.

4.   Palm Trees at the North Pole: The Hot Truth About Climate Change - Marc ter Horst

  • Print Length: 191 pages
  • Reading Age: 8 - 12 years
  • Amazon Rating: No reviews

Featuring colourful illustrations and detailed scientific facts, this book dives into the history of climate change in an entertaining and educational way for children. It not only shares the consequences but also actions they can take within their own communities.

A review from The Tiny Activist said, “This book goes into great detail about all different aspects of climate change ... [with] lovely illustrations worked in, around, and behind the text!”

5.   Planet SOS - Marie Rohde

  • Print Length: 60 pages
  • Reading Age: 7 years and up
  • Amazon Rating: 4.7 out of 5 (9 reviews)

Planet SOS transforms existing environmental threats into creative monster figures. While they might look unbeatable, they all have weaknesses. You’ll learn how to defeat Smogosaurus, which is filling the air with toxic fumes and Atmosdragon, which is heating the planet.

One comment said, “It builds an awareness for them of our planet and how we should look after it. They are very interested in all the different monsters who pollute our planet and what we should do to get rid of them.”

6.   Saving Earth: Climate Change and the Fight for Our Future - Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich

  • Print Length: 238 pages
  • Reading Age: 10 - 14 years
  • Amazon Rating: 5 out of 5 (1 reviews)

Saving Earth examines past mistakes while exploring our potential future if we continue on our current trajectory. The title is also not afraid to ask tough questions and share recommendations on how we can work together to change the outlook.

Kirkus Reviews wrote, “Readers will be jolted out of any sense of complacency.”

7.   Ally & Bibi: Back to the Jungle - Dario Berrebi

  • Print Length: 45 pages
  • Reading Age: 3 - 7 years
  • Amazon Rating: 4.8 out of 5 (8 reviews)

The story of Ally & Bibi is cleverly designed to educate readers on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. It also includes several tips to promote building a cleaner environment for the next generation.

“Very nice book suitable for children. The Sustainable Development Goals are very well explained for both the child and the parent. Small tips to improve in everyday life at the end of the book,” said one purchaser.

Understanding the Importance of Climate Change Education for Children

Climate change education for children is crucial in shaping their understanding of this global issue. By teaching children about climate change at an early age, we empower them to become informed and responsible global citizens.

Climate change education goes beyond simply imparting knowledge about the causes and effects of global warming. It also encompasses teaching children about the importance of conservation, renewable energy, and sustainable practices.

By fostering a sense of responsibility towards the environment, we can empower children to actively participate in finding solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Making Climate Change Topics Kid-Friendly

By using simple language, engaging stories, visual aids, hands-on activities, relatable examples, encouraging questions, and using educational games, you can make the topic of climate change accessible and interesting for children.

This not only helps them understand the issue but also empowers them to be part of the solution.

Explaining climate change to children can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can be made both engaging and understandable. Here are some tips to help make climate change topics kid-friendly:Conclusion

1. Use Simple Language and Clear Examples

Avoid complex terminology and break down concepts into simple, relatable terms.

  • Climate vs. Weather: Explain that weather is what happens outside each day (like sunny or rainy), while climate is how the weather usually is over a long time.
  • Greenhouse Effect: Compare the greenhouse effect to a warm blanket around the Earth, keeping it cosy but sometimes getting too warm if there are too many blankets.

2. Tell a Story

Stories can make abstract concepts concrete and memorable.

  • Narratives with Characters: Create stories with characters like animals or children who experience the effects of climate change. For example, a polar bear struggling to find ice to live on.
  • Journey of a Raindrop: Describe the water cycle and how climate change affects it through the journey of a single raindrop.

3. Use Visual Aids

Children often understand better with visual aids.

  • Picture Books: Use books with vivid illustrations to explain concepts. Books like "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss are great for this.
  • Charts and Diagrams: Simple charts showing rising temperatures or melting ice caps can help children visualise changes.

4. Engage in Hands-On Activities

Interactive activities can reinforce learning.

  • Recycling Projects: Teach about reducing waste by starting a recycling project at home or school.
  • Gardening: Planting trees or a garden can show children the importance of plants in absorbing CO2.

5. Relate to Their Lives

Connect climate change to things children already know and care about.

  • Seasons and Weather: Talk about how climate change can affect their favourite seasons or activities, like snow in winter or swimming in summer.
  • Animals: Discuss how animals they love are affected by climate change, like how warmer temperatures affect penguins or turtles.

6. Encourage Questions and Discussions

Create an open environment where children feel comfortable asking questions.

  • Q&A Sessions: Have regular times where children can ask questions about what they see or hear about climate change.
  • Discussions: Encourage discussions about what they can do to help, making them feel empowered.

7. Use Educational Games and Apps

There are many resources designed to teach children about climate change in a fun way.

  • Games: Find games that involve climate action, like saving energy or sorting recyclables.
  • Apps: Use educational apps that explain environmental concepts in an interactive format.

The Role of Children's Books in Climate Change Awareness

Children's books play a crucial role in raising awareness about climate change among young readers. These books introduce complex environmental concepts in an accessible and engaging manner, helping children understand the importance of caring for our planet. Here’s how they contribute and some tips for parents on using these books effectively.

The Role of Children's Books

1. Simplifying Complex Topics:

Children's books break down complex issues like climate change into simple, understandable stories and illustrations. This helps children grasp the basics of how and why our planet is changing.

2. Building Empathy and Connection:

Stories featuring animals, plants, and natural settings foster a sense of connection and empathy. When children care about characters affected by climate change, they are more likely to care about the real-world issues these characters face.

3. Encouraging Eco-friendly Behaviours:

Books often include practical tips and activities that children can do to help the environment. This empowers young readers to take action in their own lives.

4. Raising Awareness Early:

  1. Introducing climate change concepts at a young age helps instil a lifelong awareness and sense of responsibility towards the environment.

Tips for Parents in Using Children's Books

Choose Age-Appropriate Books:

  • Select books that match your child's age and comprehension level. Younger children might enjoy picture books with simple stories, while older children might benefit from more detailed narratives and facts.

Discuss the Stories:

  • After reading, discuss the story and its message with your child. Ask questions like, “How do you think the animals felt?” or “What can we do to help the planet?”

Connect Stories to Real Life:

  • Relate the themes of the books to real-life actions. For example, if a book discusses recycling, involve your child in sorting recyclables at home.

Encourage Questions:

  • Create an open environment where children feel comfortable asking questions about what they’ve read. Answer their questions honestly and encourage curiosity.

Use Visual and Hands-On Activities:

  • Complement books with activities like drawing, crafts, or nature walks. This reinforces the messages and makes learning about the environment fun.

Getting Young People into Action and Advocacy

1. Lead by Example:

Show eco-friendly behaviours in your daily life. Children learn by watching adults, so recycling, conserving water, and reducing waste set a powerful example.

2. Engage in Community Activities:

Participate in community clean-up events, tree planting, or local environmental groups. Involvement in community activities shows children the impact of collective action.

3. Support School Projects:

Encourage and support school projects that focus on the environment. Help your child with research, attend school events, and collaborate on projects.

4. Promote Advocacy and Voice:

Teach children how to express their views and advocate for change. This could include writing letters to local leaders, creating posters, or participating in climate marches.

5. Use Technology and Media:

There are numerous apps, websites, and games designed to teach children about climate change and sustainability. Use these tools to make learning interactive and engaging.

6. Encourage Critical Thinking:

Foster critical thinking by discussing news articles or documentaries about climate change. Encourage your child to think about solutions and what role they can play

Children's books are powerful tools for raising climate change awareness among young readers. By choosing the right books, engaging in discussions, and encouraging practical actions, parents can help their children become informed and proactive about environmental issues.

Leading by example and supporting advocacy can further empower young people to make a positive impact on the planet.

Discover "Ally & Bibi's Wild Eco-Adventure"

As we nurture our young guardians of the Earth, it's essential to provide them with stories that not only educate but also emotionally connect them to the planet's future.

We invite you and your children to embark on a thrilling journey with "Ally & Bibi: Back to the Jungle."

This beautifully crafted tale weaves together the excitement of adventure with the profound lessons of the Sustainable Development Goals. Experience the vibrant world of Ally and Bibi as they traverse a fictional Brazil, igniting the spark of environmental stewardship and social justice in young hearts.

Ready to explore how every action counts towards a sustainable world?

Check out "Ally & Bibi's Wild Eco-Adventure" and take the first step towards a greener, fairer future with your child today.