carbon literacy workshops

Take action against climate change

the Impact You Can Make

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues we face. The journey towards a sustainable future begins with understanding our carbon footprint and learning how to reduce it.

Our Carbon Literacy Workshops are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to make a real difference.

Be ready for the next phase

Whether you're an individual looking to make greener choices, a business aiming to boost sustainability, or an educator seeking to inspire the next generation, our workshops are key to prepare yourself for the next stage:

A low-carbon, low-impact, and regenerative civilisation.

The urgent need for carbon literacy

Climate change is no longer a distant threat; it's a current reality. The effects of global warming are evident in extreme weather patterns, rising sea levels, and dwindling natural resources.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), human activities have already caused approximately 1.2°C of global warming above pre-industrial levels, and this could reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052 if it continues at the current rate.

Enhance your reputation

Understanding the carbon emissions associated with our daily activities is crucial.

Carbon literacy is the knowledge of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions on an individual, community, and organisational basis.

Employee engagement & retention

Our Carbon Literacy workshops are interactive, informative, and actionable.

Here’s what you can expect:
  • Basics of Carbon Literacy: Understand what carbon literacy means and why it is essential
  • Carbon Footprint Calculation: Learn how to measure and understand your carbon footprint
  • Reduction Strategies: Explore practical ways to reduce carbon emissions in various aspects of life, from home energy use to transportation and diet
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become certified carbon literate


From theory to application

Real-World Applications

Our workshops don’t just stop at theory. We provide real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the tangible benefits of carbon literacy. For instance, businesses that have implemented carbon literacy training have seen up to a 20% reduction in energy costs.

Expert Instructors

Our instructors are industry experts with years of experience in sustainability and environmental education. They bring a wealth of knowledge and practical insights, ensuring you get the most out of the workshop.


Measurable benefits

Imagine the impact you can have with the right knowledge and tools. Here area few powerful statistics to consider:

According to the Carbon Trust, organisations that understand their carbon footprint can reduce their emissions by up to 15% annually.

The World Resources Institute also reported that carbon literacy training can increase energy efficiency by up to 20%.

Finally, a study by Howell (2018) found that households engaged in carbon literacy practices reduced their overall carbon footprint by 12%. Multiply that by hundreds of thousands of carbon literate families and the CO2e savings are huge.


Simple, concrete actions

By joining our workshop, you'll be equipped to contribute to these kinds of impactful changes. You'll learn how to:

Implement Energy-Saving Measures:  Simple changes at home or in the office can lead to significant reductions in energy use and costs.

Promote Sustainable Practices: Influence and educate others in your community or workplace about the importance of sustainability.

Make Informed Decisions: Whether it’s choosing products, planning travel, or managing waste, you’ll be able to make choices that are better for the planet.

On-demand and Online workshops

Ready to make a difference? Signing up is easy, and the benefits are immense

We offer on-demand online workshops which run for 1.5 days, usually spread over 3 days (although we're flexible about that). We also run live workshops throughout the U

Our workshops are highly interactive with group discussions, videos, quizzes and mini-games to keep things interesting. On top of that, participants will be required to complete a home-based activity to complete the course and earn their certificate.

Tailored workshops

We offer tailored carbon literacy workshops for several types of professionals and sectors:

  • Marketing professionals
  • Sole traders and self-employed
  • Small and medium businesses
  • Local councils
  • Built environment
  • Schools

With us you'll learn how to calculate your carbon footprint, figure out best ways to reduce your impact and get others onboard.

Book your workshop

Or ask us any questions you may have about them.

We work with a network of Carbon Literacy trainers and will be able to connect you to the right specialist if need be.

Most of our workshops are run online, however we often provide in-person ones to specific organisations too.

NOTE: We will soon be adding the dates for our upcoming workshops for 2024/2025. Feel free to contact us in the meantime.

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Carbon Literacy


Everything you need to know about Carbon Literacy and our workshops.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please get in touch with our team.
What is a carbon literacy?
Carbon literacy is the knowledge and awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions on an individual, community, and organisational level.
Why is carbon literacy important?
Carbon literacy is crucial because it empowers individuals and organisations to make informed decisions that can reduce carbon emissions, mitigate climate change, and promote sustainable living.
What are the key components of carbon literacy training?
Key components typically include understanding the basics of climate science, the sources of carbon emissions, the impact of these emissions on the planet, and practical actions that can be taken to reduce one's carbon footprint.
Who can benefit from carbon literacy training?
Everyone can benefit from carbon literacy training, including individuals, community groups, businesses, educational institutions, and local governments. It is particularly useful for those looking to implement sustainable practices in their personal lives or professional environments.
What is a carbon footprint?
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, emitted directly or indirectly by human activities. This includes emissions from driving cars, heating homes, and producing goods and services
How can I reduce my carbon footprint? 
You can reduce your carbon footprint by adopting various sustainable practices, such as using energy-efficient appliances, reducing waste, opting for public transport or carpooling, supporting renewable energy sources, and making conscious dietary choices like eating less meat.
What is the difference between carbon literacy and environmental literacy?
Carbon literacy specifically focuses on understanding carbon emissions and their impact on climate change, while environmental literacy encompasses a broader understanding of various environmental issues, including biodiversity, water quality, and ecosystem health.
How is carbon literacy measured?
Carbon literacy can be measured through various assessments and certifications that test an individual’s or organisation’s understanding of carbon emissions, climate change, and sustainable practices.

The Carbon Literacy Project offers certification for individuals and organisations that meet their standards of carbon literacy.
Can organisations become carbon literate?
Yes, organisations can become carbon literate by training their employees, implementing sustainable practices, and obtaining certification from recognised bodies like the Carbon Literacy Project.

This can enhance their reputation, reduce operational costs, and contribute to corporate social responsibility goals.
What are the benefits of becoming carbon literate?
Benefits include increased awareness of climate change, the ability to make more sustainable choices, potential cost savings from energy efficiency, increased employee retention, better customer loyalty and contributing to the global effort to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.
How does carbon literacy contribute to climate action?
Carbon literacy contributes to climate action by equipping individuals and organisations with the knowledge and tools needed to reduce their carbon emissions, advocate for sustainable policies, and engage in community efforts to mitigate climate change impacts.
What is the Carbon Literacy Project? 
The Carbon Literacy Project is an organisation that provides training and certification for individuals and organisations to become carbon literate.

They offer a framework for understanding carbon emissions and implementing sustainable practices.
How can schools incorporate carbon literacy into their curriculum?
Schools can incorporate carbon literacy by integrating climate science into their curriculum, organising workshops and activities focused on sustainability, and encouraging students to participate in projects that promote environmental awareness and action.
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