B Corp Consulting

B Corp Assessment & re-certification Support

Join a growing movement

Are you ready to take your business to the next level of social and environmental responsibility? Becoming a Certified B Corporation (B Corp) is more than just a badge of honour — it's a commitment to doing business the right way.

Our B Corp consulting service is designed to guide you through every step of the certification process, ensuring that your business not only meets the rigorous standards but thrives as a sustainable and ethical enterprise.

Over 4,500 certified companies in 78 countries

By becoming a B Corp, you're not just making a commitment to sustainability - you're joining a global community of businesses that are using their power to make a positive impact.

Stand out in the market

In today's competitive business landscape, differentiation is key. As a Certified B Corp, your business will stand out for its verified commitment to social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

Consumers, investors, and partners are increasingly looking for companies that prioritise these values.

Researchers have also shown that B Corp certification can positively impact turnover growth rates, making it not just an ethical choice but a smart business decision.

Enhance your reputation

Certification enhances your company's reputation with key stakeholders, including investors, clients, and consumers.

A study by Villela et al. (2019) found that B Corps improve their external reputation significantly, attracting like-minded stakeholders and enhancing overall brand perception.

Employee engagement & retention

Companies that are B Corps attract and retain employees who are aligned with their mission and values. This leads to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.

As Chen & Marquis (2022) highlight, a focus on stakeholders increases employee loyalty and engagement, which is crucial in today’s job market.
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The Journey to B Corp Certification


The Certification Process

Becoming a B Corp involves a comprehensive evaluation of your company's social and environmental impact. The process includes:

  • Completing the B Impact Assessment (BIA), which measures your company’s impact on workers, community, environment, and customers.
  • Meeting the legal requirements to ensure your corporate governance aligns with your mission.
  • Undergoing a verification process by B Lab, the nonprofit behind the B Corp certification.

Our consulting service will walk you through each of these steps, providing expert guidance and support to ensure your success.


Internal benefits

Certification helps align internal practices towards sustainability, reducing tensions between financial and social goals.

As found by Paelman et al. (2021), the process of certification itself can help streamline operations and focus on dual objectives — profit and purpose.


Overcoming challenges

We understand that the road to certification can be challenging. For example, many companies struggle to continuously improve their impact assessment scores post-certification, as noted by Villela et al. (2019).

Our team provides ongoing support to help you navigate these challenges and keep your company on the path to continuous improvement.

Real world impact

Economic Growth

Statistics show that B Corp certification can drive economic growth. In Europe, certified firms have experienced significant turnover growth rates shortly after certification (Paelman et al., 2020).

This growth reflects the market's increasing value of sustainable and ethical business practices.

Strategic Advantages

B Corps enjoy strategic advantages that go beyond financial performance. They gain trust and loyalty from their stakeholders, which can lead to long-term business success. A study by Richardson & O'Higgins (2019) found that certified companies experience significant non-financial benefits, including improved strategic positioning.

Our Comprehensive B Corp Consulting Service

Our expert consulting service is designed to support you through every step of the B Corp certification process.

We have helped dozens of businesses achieve B Corp certification and thrive as sustainable enterprises. We offer:

  • Initial Assessment: We start with a thorough assessment of your current practices and identify areas for improvement.
  • Strategic Planning: We help you develop a strategic plan to meet the B Impact Assessment criteria.
  • Implementation Support: Our team provides hands-on support to implement necessary changes and ensure compliance with B Corp standards.
  • Ongoing Improvement: Post-certification, we offer continuous support to help you improve your scores and maintain your certification.

Take the first step towards B Corp certification today. Contact us to learn more about how our consulting service can help you achieve your sustainability goals and transform your business.

let's talk b Corp certification

Ready to become a B Corp? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey towards certification.

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Everything you need to know about the B Corp certification process and our consulting service.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please get in touch with our team.
What is a B Corp?
A B Corporation (B Corp) is a for-profit company that has been certified by the nonprofit B Lab for meeting rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

B Corps are committed to balancing profit with purpose and are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on all stakeholders, including workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment.
How does a company become a B Corp?
To become a B Corp, a company must:

- Complete the B Impact Assessment (BIA) to evaluate its impact on workers, community, environment, and customers.

- Meet the legal requirements by amending its corporate governance documents to include stakeholder interests.

- Undergo a verification process conducted by B Lab to ensure the accuracy of the assessment and adherence to the required standards.

- Pay an annual certification fee based on the company's revenue.
What are the benefits of becoming a B Corp? 
The benefits include:

- Enhanced reputation and trust with consumers, investors, and partners.

- Improved employee attraction, retention, and engagement.

- Increased access to capital, as investors are increasingly interested in sustainable and ethical businesses.

- Potential for economic growth, as certified companies often experience improved turnover rates.

- Strategic advantages, such as better stakeholder relationships and a strong brand identity.
What are some of the challenges of becoming a B Corp?
- The rigorous and time-consuming certification process, which requires a significant commitment of resources.

- Potential initial costs associated with meeting the certification standards and making necessary changes to business practices.

- Ongoing efforts to improve and maintain the certification, as companies must continuously meet the high standards set by B Lab.

- Limited immediate financial benefits, as the impact on financial performance may take time to materialise.
How much does it cost to become a B Corp?
The cost of B Corp certification varies based on the company's annual revenue. The certification fees range from a few hundred dollars for small businesses to tens of thousands of dollars for larger companies.

Additionally, there may be costs associated with implementing changes to meet the certification standards.
How long does it take to become a B Corp?
The timeline for becoming a B Corp can vary widely depending on the size of the company and its current practices.

On average, it can take anywhere from several months to over a year to complete the certification process, which includes the initial assessment, implementing necessary changes, and undergoing verification.
What is the B Impact Assessment (BIA)?
The B Impact Assessment (BIA) is a comprehensive tool used by B Lab to evaluate a company's social and environmental performance. It covers various areas, including governance, workers, community, environment, and customers.

The BIA helps companies identify areas for improvement and provides a score that determines eligibility for B Corp certification.
Can any type of company become a B Corp?
Yes, companies of all sizes and industries can become B Corps, as long as they meet the certification standards.

However, some industries may face more challenges in meeting certain criteria, and the specific requirements may vary depending on the company's structure and operations.
What is the difference between a B Corp and a Benefit Corporation?
While both B Corps and Benefit Corporations aim to balance profit with purpose, they differ in their legal structure and requirements:

- B Corp Certification: A certification granted by B Lab to for-profit companies that meet rigorous social and environmental standards.

- Benefit Corporation: A legal status available in some states that requires companies to consider stakeholder interests and allows them to pursue social and environmental goals alongside profit. Benefit Corporations may or may not be certified B Corps.
What are some examples of well-known B Corps?
- Patagonia (outdoor clothing and gear)

- Ben & Jerry’s (ice cream)

- Danone North America (dairy and plant-based foods)

- Allbirds (footwear)

- Kickstarter (crowdfunding platform)
What happens if a company fails to maintain B Corp certification standards?
If a company fails to maintain the standards required for B Corp certification, it risks losing its certification. B Lab conducts periodic reviews and requires companies to re-certify every three years.

If significant issues are identified, the company may be given a chance to address them, but failure to do so can result in decertification.
How does B Corp certification impact a company's governance?
B Corp certification requires companies to amend their corporate governance documents to ensure that they consider the interests of all stakeholders in their decision-making.

This legal requirement helps to align the company’s operations with its commitment to social and environmental performance.
What happens if a company fails to maintain B Corp certification standards?
Various resources and support are available for companies seeking B Corp certification, including:

- The B Impact Assessment tool, which provides a framework for evaluating and improving social and environmental performance.

- B Lab's online resources, guides, and case studies.

- Consulting services (like ours) that offer expert guidance and support throughout the certification process.
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